Revcontent is one of the most popular native advertising networks for publishers and advertisers. Today’s post, I’m going to review Revcontent so you will get an idea of how to make money from Revcontent native ads.
Either you can use Revcontent on your website to monetize, or you use it to generate traffic to your leads with lower cost.
How much money can you make from Revcontent? I’m going to show you based on my experience as a small publisher. I place Revcontent ads on my website since 2015.
You can place Revcontent ads with Adsense ads on the same web page, so you are able to earn an extra income by using native ads on your site.
Revcontent claims you will monetize your traffic at 30-50% higher rates than other platforms.

To getting approval from this native ad network, you need to have minimum 50,000 monthly page views.
However, when you sign up Revcontent, you choose I am both Advertiser and Publisher option. Then, you may get Revcontent approval for your site.

Fill out all necessary information and click register.
Revcontent dashboard looks elegant modern design and straightforward so you can easily create your ads widgets.

If you want to boost your content, you can see bottom page best-performing articles from your website. You will promote your content with one click, or you can also create an advert with your custom content.
You also contact your account manager if you want any help or custom code or any other information.
Create site widgets
For Publishers, you can easily create site widgets to monetize your website. Just click create site widget.
Here you can see a different kind of recommendation ads widgets format available. You can test a perfect ad widget which is best for monetize your site’s space and provide a great user experience.
How to create your first ad widget?
Click get code
Create a widget and customize it to fit your site’s unique look and style.
You can create responsive ads units for different devices like large desktop, desktop, tablet, and mobile phone.
Simply select widget structure columns and rows.
And also you can choose various image size ratio.
In the advanced option, you can adjust some settings.
Everything you fill correctly click get code. Your ads widgets code ready for your website and copy and paste on your site.
To see detail earning report just click site widgets top of the menu.
Revcontent publisher reporting is amazing you can see instant earning report and also geo-based earning report.
You can view your site performance stats from 224 countries. Filter options include Device Type Desktop, mobile and tablets, Country, Domain and Date Range for detail earning analyze.
Revcontent provides average CPC rate from 4 cents to 30 cents which depends on lots of factors like your website traffic country, ads click-through-rate, ads placement, website types and lots more.
You can see that I got averagely 4 cents for some widgets and 8 cents for some widgets. My website traffic divided with tier one countries and tier two and three countries.
Like other advertising networks, when your site brings visitors from the United State, Australia, Canada, and the UK, you will expect to earn more money. Otherwise, your CPC rate has very low.
And most importantly, your ads placement will affect your earnings so placing ads code high visible area can help you make more money.
Can I make $100 per day from Revcontent?
The answer is yes, but you need to have massive website traffic.
For example, If your site average CPC 8 cents you need to have 1250 ads click every day.
If you have a 5 % click-through rate, your site needs to receive 25000 daily traffic to earn $100 daily from native ads.

Revcontent provides different payment methods such as Paypal, Direct Deposit and Wire transfer.
Payment threshold is $50 for Paypal and $1000 for Wire transfer.
Revcontet is one of the best native ad networks, so you don’t worry about payment. When you reach $50, and they will send your earnings to your PayPal account. Here is my Revcontent payment proof if you still want payment proof.
Revcontet has a deferral program so you can earn 5% commission for referring new users to the platform.
As a small publisher, I’m OK with Revcontent earnings. However, It pays very low CPC rate for India, Pakistan, Philipines traffic.
If you are looking, Outbrain or Taboola alternative ad network, Revcontent is the best native ad platform for you.
Generally, native advertising is best for a news site, viral content websites, and entertainment related website. If you have one of these sites, you can try Revcontent ads on your site. If revcontent was not approved for your site, you could try Revcontent alternative ad network. Check out the previous post I covered top best native ad platforms for publishers and advertisers.